Directions to Valley Arts4All
Riverfront Park 100 Riverfront Park Rd (off S Thomas Ave) Sayre, Pennsylvania GPS Coordinates:
41.973210 Latitude -76.513340 Longitude Directions
From I-86: Take exit 61 from I-86 Right on Cayuta/Spring St Left on Lehigh Ave Left on West Packer Avenue over bridge Right from the bridge onto S Thomas Ave Turn left into Riverfront Park From US-220: Take exit 30 from US-220 From the exit ramp continue on West Pine Street 0.6 mi Turn right onto North Main Street 0.1 mi Turn left onto Walnut Street 0.2 mi Turn right onto South River Street crossing railroad tracks 0.1 mi Turn left onto Thomas Avenue 0.6 mi Turn right into Riverfront Park Free Parking Free parking is available at the three locations below: Riverfront Park S Lehigh Ave Community Parking Lot N Thomas Ave Guthrie Parking Lot Shuttle Service A free shuttle service will run between the N Thomas Ave Guthrie Parking Lot and Valley Arts4All at Riverfront park. |
Zoom in or out on the following maps to find your way to Valley Arts4All at Riverfront Park, Sayre, PA: